Early Literacy Toolkit
Hello to all our valued users of READy, Set, Go Miami! materials, we kindly remind all individuals and organizations using our resources for their events or activities to ensure that participants complete the provided surveys. Your feedback is of great importance to us, as it helps us enhance our program and better serve our community.
The READy, Set, Go Miami! literacy blitz launches for one month each year, giving community partners and individuals all across the Miami-Dade County an opportunity to register to become a host site of a READy, Set, Go Miami! workshop.
Families of children with all abilities are welcome! Caregivers include anyone who provides support and assistance to children like Grandparents, Fathers, Mothers, Sisters or Brothers, Nannies, Foster Parents, Teachers, Doulas, Nurses, Counselors, and more.
GET TO KNOW READy, Set, Go Miami!
READy, Set, Go Miami! is a month-long community collaboration coordinated by the Miami-Dade Grade Level Reading Campaign (MDGLR) to:
1) promote simple early literacy activities in daily routines at home, and
2) highlight the many early childhood resources in our Miami-Dade community that are available year-round!
We want to let families know that many of the daily routines they already engage in are indeed beneficial for developing the language and communication skills of their young child and helping them prepare for kindergarten.
The READy, Set, Go Miami! workshops will enhance what families are already doing with their children on a daily basis, while honoring and emphasizing families’ home languages.
In May 2021, MDGLR partners will mobilize schools, childcare centers, churches, parent groups, and any other community-based organization that engages families to sign up to host a READy, Set, Go Miami! workshop.

Why READy, Set, Go Miami!?
The MDGLR Campaign recognizes the early childhood years are essential for the development of key school readiness skills, and the partners most important in this effort are parents, family members, and close loved ones. Yet, even in these early years, there are already income, racial, and ethnic disparities in these key skills among children. Also, a large number of children are not screened or diagnosed with disabilities or developmental delays until five-years or later. Thus, there is a critical need to increase concentrated efforts to support children and their families to prevent such disparities.
Families of children with all abilities are welcome! Caregivers include anyone who provides support and assistance to children like Grandparents, Fathers, Mothers, Sisters or Brothers, Nannies, Foster Parents, Teachers, Doulas, Nurses, Counselors, and more.
From birth to three, a child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development influenced by relationships, experiences, and environment. READy, Set, Go Miami! is a county-wide initiative to host a series of fun workshops for families of children 0-5 years of age to enhance early literacy activities in daily home routines.